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heterodox | Josh Sager

GPU architecture types explained – RasterGrid

Gaming graphics card allows faster, more precise control of fusion energy experiments | UW News

Gaming graphics card allows faster, more precise control of fusion energy experiments

UW researchers have developed a method that uses a gaming graphics card to control plasma formation in their prototype fusion reactor.

Humaaans: Mix-

Humaaans: Mix-&-Match illustration library

Mix-&-match illustrations of people with a design library for InVIsion Studio and Sketch.

Free Stock Photos, Royalty Free Stock Images

The Bottom Feeder: Getting Sweet Patron Money On the Modern Internet

Getting Sweet Patron Money On the Modern Internet

Once, to survive in the arts, you needed someone like this : The profoundly rich product of centuries of inbreeding. This is a blog pos...

Learn While Playing the Sliding Tile Game Kanji Swipe

GitHub - NvChad/NvChad: An attempt to make neovim cli as functional as an IDE while being very beautiful , blazing fast.

GitHub - NvChad/NvChad: An attempt to make neovim cli as functional as an IDE while being very beautiful , blazing fast.

An attempt to make neovim cli as functional as an IDE while being very beautiful , blazing fast. - GitHub - NvChad/NvChad: An attempt to make neovim cli as functional as an IDE while being very bea...

GitHub - sonic-pi-net/sonic-pi: Code. Music. Live.

GitHub - sonic-pi-net/sonic-pi: Code. Music. Live.

Code. Music. Live. Contribute to sonic-pi-net/sonic-pi development by creating an account on GitHub.

Solidity — Solidity 0.8.7 documentation

Welcome to Speed Week and a Waitless Internet

Welcome to Speed Week and a Waitless Internet

No one likes to wait. Internet impatience is something we all suffer from.

Learn Solidity in Y Minutes

The Predecessor to Google Earth Was Clumsy, Yet Powerful

The Predecessor to Google Earth Was Clumsy, Yet Powerful

Terravision would have been weird and powerful, but it never stood a chance.

New tool: an nginx playground

luxe engine | A lovingly crafted game engine

luxe engine | A lovingly crafted game engine

A lovingly crafted cross platform game engine, in closed beta.

PICO-8 lighting, part 1: thin dark line | Hacker Noon

New product: Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W on sale now at $15 - Raspberry Pi

New product: Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W on sale now at $15 - Raspberry Pi

Announcing the successor to the groundbreaking Raspberry Pi Zero: the $15 Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W, built around our own RP3A0 System-in-Package

Response caching with Gin and Golang — Saturn Five Software

Response caching with Gin and Golang — Saturn Five Software

When developing a web application, one important aspect of the user experience that is often overlooked is responsiveness. Nothing can turn away a user more quickly than an application that is slow and sluggish. In most cases where data flows from database to backend API to UI, the slowest link in t


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